I'm Back!

The Stone File - Zara

Hi friends! Today is such a special day for me because, as you can see, I have a new website! I’ve been blogging for about five years now and I’m thankful for every moment of it but last year I really started to burn out. I realized that I wasn’t having fun anymore and it started to feel more like a chore than a labor of love like it was when I created my first blog post five years ago. Losing interest was discouraging to say the least because at the time I wasn’t sure why I didn’t have the same excitement and drive—-it felt like my creativity had just vanished. So, I took a step back and realized that even though I was successful, I wasn’t being myself and that wasn’t okay. I got so caught up in maintaining this image of a “fashion blogger” that I kind of lost myself. As crazy as it sounds, it sometimes isn’t easy to be yourself…especially in such a competitive field.

Making the decision to take a break from blogging was difficult but totally worth it. I’m now making a conscious effort to stay authentic to myself beginning with this website! Everything you see here is completely “me” and a representation of my style and who I am. I can’t thank Kelly at Kiki + Co. enough for helping me transform my thoughts into the reality that you see here.

So, thank you for being here, for reading this and for the constant love and support throughout the years. I don’t say this enough but I am immeasurably thankful to each of you for allowing me to do this because I definitely couldn’t do it without you. I hope you love the new site as much as I do! Oh, and today’s Zara look isn’t half bad either.

The Stone File - Zara
The Stone File - Zara
The Stone File - Zara
The Stone File - Zara
The Stone File - Zara